The Wild Life
Follow Your Nose: Essential Oils
“Of all the senses, the sense of smell is the one that reaches most readily beyond us even as it most powerfully taps the wellsprings of our inmost selves. It has an unparalleled capacity to...
The Sunshine Plant | St. John's Wort Summer Solstice Recipe
This recipe is a guest post from our founder, Jana Blankenship's new personal website, where you'll find DIY beauty and botanical recipes and everything you'll need to know about using plants to heal and use...
Seaweed: Superhero for Hair & Climate
Our founder, Jana, has had a lifelong love affair with the sea, growing up spending summers in the coastal town of Sorrento, Maine. The salty air and rocky coast is a powerful inspiration behind Captain...
Aloe, The Plant of Immortality
Ancient Egyptians called Aloe Vera "the plant of immortality" for its healing abilities. This amazing succulent is one of the oldest known medicinal plants and is used to treat skin conditions from sunburns, dermatitis, skin...